MDN Curriculum The essential skillset for new front-end developers

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The MDN Curriculum provides a structured guide to the essential skills and practices for being a successful front-end developer, along with recommended learning resources...

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MDN Curriculum The essential skillset for new front-end developersMDN Curriculum The essential skillset for new front-end developers
MDN Curriculum The essential skillset for new front-end developers

1. Web standards

Understand how the web works at a high level, and the process for creating web technologies.

2. Semantic HTML

Learn the fundamentals of HTML, the language used to define and structure web content.

3. CSS fundamentals

Dive into the fundamentals of CSS, the language you’ll use to style and layout websites.

4. CSS text styling

Focus on using CSS to style text and apply custom web fonts.

5. CSS layout

Learn modern techniques for creating flexible layouts that work on a wide variety of devices.

6. JavaScript fundamentals

Focus on the core JavaScript language and fundamental surrounding topics.

7. Accessibility

Understand the need for universal access to web content and how to write accessible code.

8. Design for developers

Appreciate basic design theory, how to speak design language, and what makes websites look good.

9. Version control

Understand why version control is necessary, and use GitHub to store code and collaborate with others.

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